What We Do

Our community is committed to live the Gospels of Jesus by providing compassionate service to those in need. Our service extends to our own faith community, our local and world communities, as well as advocacy on behalf of the environment.

Our Ministries

Stephen Ministry is made up of trained members who listen and provide spiritual support to others facing tough times. 
Women of the Spirit Group meets monthly for prayer, discussion, support, and fellowship.
Men’s Group provides informal sharing and discussion every Thursday evening.
Weekend Cantor Groups provide music and songs for liturgies.
The Prayer Companion Team is available after Mass to listen to concerns in depth and to pray with you.  During the week, you can email them and someone will connect with you. 
The Pastoral Care Team assists the pastor with home Eucharist visitation and phone calls. Call the church office if you would like someone to bring you Communion at home or the hospital.
Prayer Shawl Ministry gathers monthly to create shawls for members and others in need of comfort due to illness or grief. 
Wednesday Morning Mass, Fellowship, and Discussions offer spiritual and adult faith development.

Our Service to Longmont and Beyond

Examples of programs and activities that LOC members support through financial contributions and direct participation include:

Annual Mission Trips

LOC adults collaborate with Bethlehem Lutheran adults for an annual mission trip. In the past, these hard workers have traveled to New Orleans, Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, the Appalachians in Kentucky, and Houston, Texas. The entire LOC community supports these missioners and their fundraising efforts.

Pride Fest

Light of Christ has supported Longmont Pride in June the past many years with a table promoting our hospitality. We always end with a Communion Service where we share Communion with everyone who joins us and would like to receive. 

Longmont OUR Center

The OUR Center in Longmont unifies community resources to offer a hand up to individuals in the local community. Some LOC members volunteer at the OUR Center directly, making meals or sorting clothes. The entire LOC community participates in drives for food, clothing, shoes, etc. at various times throughout the year.  Our youth participate in the annual OUR Center fundraiser Empty Bowls to Feed the Hungry.

11th Hour Bell Ringing

One the 11th day of every month, at 11:00am, for 11 minutes, Light of Christ members gather at the church bell out front and ring the bell once per minute to raise awareness for climate justice.  At this gathering, we pray for the earth, and increase our own awareness of what we can do as individuals and as a church for climate justice. Members of other faith traditions often join us. 

Round Pantry

LOC has a long relationship with Westview Presbyterian and their Round Food Pantry offering food support every two weeks. LOC members have served in the pantry itself, stocking shelves and bagging groceries. In addition, the entire LOC community has participated in food drives like the one in November to provide desserts for the Round Food Pantry.


LOC is delighted to help celebrate weddings for all couples. Weddings can be celebrated in the sanctuary or at alternative sites, including outdoors. Please contact the church office for details.


LOC and/or our pastor are available for funerals, Memorial Masses, and cemetery committal services. Please contact the church office for details.

Join us Saturdays at 5pm