Who is welcome to join?
One of our values is Bold Hospitality so we hope you feel welcome, no matter who you are or what your background is. You can read about our value of Boldly Inclusive.
What should I do when I arrive?
We are nested in Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Park in the parking lot on the west side and follow the signs into the building. You’ll be greeted by members of Light of Christ. Feel free to say hi, ask any questions or simply proceed into the sanctuary and have a seat.

What’s the dress code at Light of Christ?
We dress casually. Some of us wear jeans and a t-shirt, others dress up a bit. It’s up to you.
How can I follow along with the service?
If this is your first time in a liturgical service, please don’t feel intimidated if you don’t know when to stand/sit/say. We’re simply blessed to have you with us. The Worship Aid is available on our website and you can load it on your phone to follow along.
What’s Communion like?
Everyone who wants to receive Communion is welcome. No matter where you are on your journey, you are welcome to receive. The Communion Table is Christ’s Table, and we know that Christ has already invited everyone to be part of the Meal we share together in Mass. We offer gluten-free hosts, as well as traditional bread, grape juice and wine. The invitation to come and receive the Body and Blood of Christ is for all.
For those who participate in our Masses online, you are welcome to have food and drink at your table. When it is time for Communion, we invite you to receive the grace that God is sharing with you this day.