Light of Christ Longmont is an Ecumenical Catholic Community, which means that we come from the Catholic tradition but aren’t limited to the rules and authority of Rome.
Our community is vibrant and inclusive for all who, following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, seek compassion, justice, and peace in the world.
Some of us grew up Roman Catholic but no longer align with those doctrines and want to belong to a community that welcomes doubt and different beliefs with the familiarity of a Catholic Mass. Some of us are even agnostics and atheists who want to be part of a community that helps build a better Longmont and Boulder County.
We seek to live our faith through liturgy and prayer, community building and collaboration, study and service.
No matter if you’re single, married or divorced, or who you are, or what you believe or don’t believe, you are encouraged to participate in all levels of this community – from attendance, baptism, Eucharist, to serving in leadership positions. Really!
Our Origins and Relationships
Light of Christ (at the time unnamed) celebrated our first Mass on Pentecost, May 14, 2005, at the Longmont Senior Center. We now consider our anniversary to be the Feast of Pentecost each year. We chose to affiliate with the Ecumenical Catholic Communion, a gathering of Catholic faith communities from across the United States. This Communion of communities seeks to celebrate the love of Christ in all people. At that time we were pastored by Fr. Scott Jenkins as a mission church of the ECC community Church of the Holy Family in Aurora until calling our first pastor in 2006.
It was an amazing moment to be a Catholic church that chose and called its own pastor.
The community named itself Light of Christ on July 7th, of 2005. Many names were submitted, and everyone in the community voted. We also began our relationship with Bethlehem Lutheran in August of 2005 when we moved into our dedicated office space and began our covenant relationship together. More than communities sharing a building, Light of Christ and Bethlehem Lutheran began to integrate ministry where possible from the very beginning.
Belief Statements
- We follow the teachings and example of Jesus who calls us to acceptance and unconditional love.
- We practice Catholic sacramental and liturgical worship and find inspiration from the great holy individuals of all spiritual practices.
- We are committed to contemporary biblical scholarship, honest dialogue, ongoing education, and spiritual development.
- We believe that the celebration of the Eucharist is the heart of our community faith. We welcome all to share in this experience regardless of race, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religious tradition, beliefs or doubts. At the table of the Lord, all are welcome!
- We believe that, by virtue of our baptism, all are called to leadership and service. Clergy and laity share responsibility and are equal partners in decision making, ministry, prayer, and service. We are all important to building a strong community that brings joy and meaning to all.
- We respect all creatures and creation. We believe that the earth is a shared inheritance meant for the benefit of everyone. As earth’s caretakers, we are committed to protecting its finite resources, now and in the future. We are committed to living a conscientious lifestyle so that others may have enough. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and learning better ways to live sustainably.
- Compassion and justice are our core gospel values. Our faith calls us to action. As followers of Jesus, we stand in solidarity with those who are marginalized, vulnerable, or powerless. We advocate for policies that promote economic justice and programs that serve the needy. We seek healing, compassion, and forgiveness for ourselves and all those in need of God’s love.
Our Core Values
Sacramental Justice
We offer a compassionate, Catholic Faith journey for today’s Christian where ALL are welcome, specifically…
- Open Communion table: Wherever you are on your faith journey, you are welcome to receive the Body of Christ
- All seven sacraments are open to everyone
- We support women’s ordination and married priests
- We have called a female pastor
- Pastoral care is available for everyone
- Informed Primacy of Conscience: How we know ourselves and our world, and act accordingly; and decide for yourself what is right (Luke 12:57)
Radical Inclusivity
We are family, and ALL are welcome as you are to join us, specifically…
- Our diversity is our strength. ALL are welcome and valued, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, your gender, marital status, or sexual orientation.
- LGBTQIA+ affirming
- Gluten-free Eucharist
- Children are invited to serve in all ministries at liturgy: lectors, Eucharistic ministers, choir members, greeters
- Grouth Youp for middle school and high school students
- Lay-led community: WE are the Church
- Providing a safe place for everyone to worship
Bold Hospitality
We have 20+ years of service within and outside our community, including…
- Actively visible at the Longmont Pride Fest every June
- Annual ecumenical mission trips with Bethlehem Lutheran Church
- Serve at the Round Pantry, OUR Center, and Attention Homes in Boulder
- We offer Stephen Ministry, Prayer Shawl Ministry, and a Contemplative Prayer group
- 11th Hour Bell Ringing for Global Climate Change